Monday, March 21, 2016

Patience is a Virtue

So boring I know, but there is nothing to report. We found a couple of new people to teach, and one guy named Sebastian has accepted to be baptized the 16th of April. I am 90% sure it is going to happen. I have impetigo again which sucks but what do you do? [Elder Rich has been battling impetigo off and on for the past two months. He has had difficultly getting proper medical treatments in his area.]

We had a little tension in the house this week between Greenwood and me, and the other two elders here. I really don’t always agree with the way my district leader leads, but I am learning patience and problem solving, which will help me a lot in the future. It got kind of heated last night, but I think everyone got out what they needed to say and it is calming down. Nobody hit anybody else, so I view that as a win. :)

I love you.

Elder Rich

These are grey geese and they are insanely rare. People were freaking out when they saw them and they basically live right in our backyard on the other side of the fence.

P-Day Jams

Elder Rich taking the mission car out for a spin.

Ancud, Chile, on the Island of Chiloe 

Ancud, Chile with a fall sunset over the Pacific Ocean.

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